About Us
The Chapter at a Glance.
NCMA Mid-Florida is governed by local bylaws administered by an elected body of officers (Chapter Executive Council), which is in turn overseen by NCMA at the national level. Each officer serves a two-year term. We also have Board chairmen who serve in distinct roles to assist the Executive Council. If you are interested in serving the Chapter in a certain capacity, please contact one of the Council members to the right and we will get you plugged in!
Membership in NCMA is not required to attend any of our events.
Chapter Executive Council
(Click on names for email; titles for biographies)- Shannon Baran - Chapter President
- Tom Kelley - Vice President
- Patrick Grimison - Vice President of Programs
- Megan Cotrell - Treasurer
- Adam Goldman - Past President and Webmaster
- Sara Cunnard - Secretary
Board of Directors
- Dawn Cardamone - Communications Chair
- Membership - Vacant
- Education/Certification - Vacant
Carrie Woodell, Director of Orange County Government Procurement University of Central Florida Business Incubation Center
Left to Right: Mike Harris, Chief of Army Contracting Command Contracts; Greg Dougherty, Chief of NAWCTSD Contracts; Dawn Cardomone, Contracts (Alakaina); Carrie Mathes, Director of Contracts, Orange County Government (FL); Sara Cunnard, Counsel (Pheonix Logistics); Shannon Baran (Manager, Contracts, Dignitas, Inc.); Adam Goldman, Glo, Lockheed Martin;
NES Seminar 2017 with Professor Michelle Currier, Defense Acquisition University (DAU)
NCMA Mid-Florida would like to thank Dignitas Technologies, Inc. for hosting our chapter board meetings this year.